Life Members

Exhibiting Life Members

Life (Honorary) Membership of Malvern Artists’ Society is awarded to individuals who have given distinguished service to MAS or who have contributed significantly to the development of the Creative Arts.  MAS greatly appreciates the efforts of these individuals who have been the heartbeat of the Society since its inception. 


Linda was President from 2009 to 2012 and 2015 to 2017. She has also served as Vice President and Treasurer and worked voluntarily in the Office while the Society sought a new Manager. Linda made blinds for the studio, was involved in hanging exhibitions, and made gallons of soup and hundreds of scones for 'Artists at Work'. She was also the liaison officer with Bendigo Bank for many years.

Linda McEwan

Gordon Wilson

Gordon has been on the MAS Committee for many years, serving as Secretary and Treasurer throughout the years from 2006 to 2022 and as President for 3 years from 2006. Gordon will often be seen serving behind the bar at members' exhibitions and chatting with people at events.

Gordon Wilson


Sue joined MAS around 2008 and attended watercolour classes with Joan Richard. Although never a Committee member, her choice, she has been a tireless worker for the Society. Sue was a leading light in the catering for ‘Artists at Work’, has looked after the garden for over 15 years, and has taken an active role in maintaining the building, to name just a few things done.

Susan Cook

Life Members