Best In Show
“The Day Brought Another Surprise”
by Liza Elkonin
The winner for me is the one I would hang in my own home. This is a lovely drawn work with lots of lost and found lines. A moody, abstracted figure with strong lines and shapes.
Emerging Artist Prize
by Bernadette Smith
This painting beautifully renders plump, tempting looking figs in a setting of harmonious colours that effectively maintain focus on the fruit.
Highly Commended
by Leanne Stones
A striking and engaging face is created by an inventive use of a variety of materials and interesting textures.
Highly Commended
“Wine Cellar”
by Wayne Denereaz
A quirky painting focusing on an individual caught in a moment of silent concentration. The surrounds of a cellar are convincingly conveyed through cool colour tones.
Best Other
“From Fed. Square”
by Geoff Cook
This impressive digital interpretation is very clean and pleasing to the eye.