MAS Autumn Exhibition 2024

Best In Show


“The Day Brought Another Surprise”
by Liza Elkonin

The winner for me is the one I would hang in my own home.  This is a lovely drawn work with lots of lost and found lines. A moody, abstracted figure with strong lines and shapes.

Emerging Artist Prize


by Bernadette Smith

This painting beautifully renders plump, tempting looking figs in a setting of harmonious colours that effectively maintain focus on the fruit.

Highly Commended

by Leanne Stones

A striking and engaging face is created by an inventive use of a variety of materials and interesting textures.

Highly Commended

“Wine Cellar”
by Wayne Denereaz

A quirky painting focusing on an individual caught in a moment of silent concentration. The surrounds of a cellar are convincingly conveyed through cool colour tones.

Best Other


“From Fed. Square”
by Geoff Cook

This impressive digital interpretation is very clean and pleasing to the eye. 

Highly Commended

“Afternoon Walk, Hopetoun Lawn, Royal Botanic Gardens Melb”
by Helene Oberman

This lithograph is striking in black and white and very easy to hang anywhere.  The use of shadows evokes a feeling of peace.

Highly Commended

“Trio of Bottles”
by Wendy Swan

The ceramic bottles are very well executed and an amazing trio of shapes.

Best Acrylic


no 2 “Motherhood”
by Judy Gold

A strong abstract painting depicting mother and child. A very strong composition with an excellent understanding of colour and shapes.

Highly Commended

“Kata Tjuta”
by Ralph May

This painting captures the feeling of Kata Tjuta in the Australian centre with smooth, precise brushstrokes.

Highly Commended

“Still Life”
by Christine Leuner

This artist has an excellent understanding of colour theory and aerial perspectives.

Best Mixed Media


“New Holland Honey Eater ‘Squabbling Birds'”
by Margaret Meadows

Beautifully painted New Holland Honeyeaters contrasting against a simple background.  The use of inks and paints have captured the flight and wingspan of the birds.

Highly Commended

by Catriona Galbraith & Suzanne Swann

Excellent technique and imagination using cottons, paint, embroidery, and hoops to travel through the work.

Highly Commended

“Colour of Noise”
by Tegan Colliver

This is a strong abstract painting depicting the colour of noise with quick and spontaneous brushwork.

Best Watercolour​


“At Lake Mulwala”
by Suzanne Johnston

A beautiful painting with great use of watercolour technique.  The composition and spontaneous brushwork have captured the feeling of the lake.

Highly Commended

“Waiting at the Gate”
by Leigh Connelly

Beautifully drawn figures waiting at the gate. Good use of brush, colour and storytelling.

Highly Commended

“Night Florals”
by Bogusia Goslar

A strong painting of flowers with great use of colour and mark-making.

Best Oil​


“Riverside Fishing”
by Heinz Fickler

I enjoyed this painting with the soft colours and great variety of brush strokes and impasto.  The artist has an excellent understanding of colour and perspective.

Highly Commended

by Annette Bando

A lovely portrait, that is very well executed by the artist.

Highly Commended

“Swedish Solitude”
by Marg Picken

A strong painting using a limited palette depicting the Swedish waterways

Highly Commended

“After the Rain”
by Pam Herman

Lovely brush work and use of colours spontaneously to bring the viewer into the painting.

JUDGE: Jenny Scholes
SPONSORED BY: Senior Art Supplies
senior art