MAS Winter Exhibition 2024: Featuring C.E.G. Beveridge Prize

C.E.G. Beveridge Prize for
Best In Show

“Who Let the Chooks Out – Castlemaine”
by Wendy Colliver

Classic composition and arrangement of form: a joyous painting.

Second Prize

“Albion Silos” by Geoff Cook

Heightening a bland subject to a higher level of observation.

Third Prize

“Lellow Lillies (sic)” by Nic Kirkman

Love the organic nature of this work. Wonderful underpainting is permitted to bleed through creating interesting surface textures. Powerful drawing of flowers, represented by a harmonious mix of colours and contrasting greens to successfully bind the work.

Highly Commended

“Late Afternoon Shadows” by Helene Oberman

Beautiful image, deep shadows, subtle in its monochrome nature.

“Morning Light” by Mimi Aspinall

Lovely Vignetting, going from opaque to transparent to create atmospheric depth.

“Spring Whisper” by Bogusia Goslar

A joyous piece, wonderful geometry in its composition.

“Estuary” by Wendy Swan

A classic work, romantic. Wonderful textures.

“Moonlight Dance” by Janette Jeffrey

Playful, creative use of transparent colours.  Flare demonstrated to describe the figure.

“Kalarama” by Isabelle McKenzie

Love the opacity of colours used and the playfulness of light.

Judge: Salvatore Trigila

People's Choice Award

“Road to the Pearl Farm”
by Margaret Picken

The C.E.G. Beveridge Prize was named after our first MAS President.